George Chevrolet

George Chevrolet
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Chevrolet Volt Saves Supertanker of Gas

Just how much fuel have Chevrolet Volt owners collectively saved since the Volt went on sale? Enough to fill one supertanker, or 2.1 million gallons of gasoline, which equates to more than $8 million in combined fuel savings. That’s thanks to the more than 40 million miles those drivers have traveled on electricity.

Volt drivers spend 60% of their time driving electrically, but utilize the gasoline range extender when they need to travel further than the 35-40 miles they can get on a single charge. You might be thinking, “That’s pretty cool, but what does it all mean?” Well, to break it down for you…

40 Million Total Electric Miles (EV) driven equivalent to:
  • 16,373 trips across the United States (2,443 miles from New York to Los Angeles)
  • 1,606 trips around the Earth (24,901 miles each)
  • 167 trips to the Moon (238,657 miles each)

2,130,000 Gallons of Gas Saved equivalent to:
  • 50,714 barrels of gas saved (42 gallons of gas per barrel)
  • $8,000,000 saved at the gas pump (based on $3.80/gallon of gas)
  • 387 U.S. semi-truck tankers of gas saved (5,500 gallons of gas each)
  • One supertanker of gas saved (2 million gallons of gas)

Chevrolet recently introduced a rolling ticker on its website that showcases real-time daily driving statistics for Volt owners based on OnStar data.The ticker shows total number of miles driven, electric miles driven and gallons of gas saved.

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